

Oct. 2023

This is a Python library based on the paper “Language Models are Open Knowledge Graphs.” It generates a graph given an input sentence and the language model attention matrices as a way to evaluate text understanding. The code is on Github.

iOS/Android Monitor

Jun. 2020

During the Operating Systems course, I developed in a group project a system monitor for Android and another one for iOS. The goal was to have something similar to htop on Linux, but the project was limited by the availablity of system APIs for those OSs.

Smart Drones for pest detection

Jun. 2020

This was the final project for the Internet Of Thinigs class at my university. In a group, we developed the software for autonomous drones to hover over a farm, searching for diseases in plants. The drone’s camera sent images to a server running a neural network to analyze plants’s leaves. The project is available on Github.


Jun. 2020

This was group project from my undergraduate studies. Nutriplus is a web application that help nutritionists elaborate meals for patients. I coded a meet-in-the-midle algorithm to create a diet according to a each patient’s nutritional needs. The project is available here.

Crazy Maze

Jun. 2019

This was a game written in Python I created in a group project at univeristy. Basically, a character must run away from monsters that chase it in a dynamic maze. This project included some interesting algorithms under the hood, such as Prim’s algortihm for maze generation, and A* to find the shortest path between monsters and the character. The code is available on Github.

Other projects

Besides these projects, I created an iOS game while I was in high school, and I experimented with natural language processing for sentiment extraction while at university.

I also coded 3D scenes (this and this) as assignments for my computer graphics course.