Other interesting stuff I’ve done


While at my university robotics group, I taught machine learning and computer vision. I gave new members an introductory class in Git and wrote a guide to use the C++ STL methods in the group’s repository.

Open-source contributions

  1. Openvino Notebooks: I created an example for machine translation using Intel’s OpenVino inference framework.

  2. Solang compiler: I implemented common subexpression elimination, unused variable elimination and undefined variable detection during the Hyplerledger mentorship in 2021. I wrote an article on Medium about my common subexpression elimination algorithm and another one about unused variable elimination and undefined varaible detection.


  1. While working for Solana Labs, I presented a talk about the Solang compiler at Solana’s London and Singapore HackerHouses. The goal was to incentivize the adoption of Solidity as a programming language for Solana. The slide deck is available here.

  2. When I finished my Hyperledger mentorship, I presented the outcomes of my project to the Hyperledger community. The slide deck is available here.